Ivory Lodge
Ivory Lodge has always been the understated jewel in the Lion Sands Game Reserve crown; a place where guests are in awe of her natural & simple beauty enhanced by the breathtaking views over the Sabie River. As travelling trends have changed, so has the style in which they are experienced and the time has come to take her into this new space where conspicuous consumption is giving way to more meaningful, personal and authentic travel experiences.
Lion Sands took their cue from Mother Nature to create a lodge built ‘of the earth’, with natural materials which will only enhance the surrounding bush environment. The timeless design incorporates steel, wood, thatch, glass, water & sand. A sophisticated mid-century architectural contemporary theme defines the interiors, with bold furniture and edgy décor, ambient lighting, inferences of tribal design and highly textured finishes – all of which combine to make Lion Sands Ivory Lodge an utterly sensory experience.
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Rates start at R24,200 p/p per night
Ivory Lodge